Black Hawk County

Post-Election Audit- Perfect Match

November 17, 2023

Black Hawk County on Thursday, November 9 conducted its required post-election audit of a voting precinct following the November 7, City/School Election.  The audit resulted in a perfect match. 


By law, the Iowa Secretary of State chooses a precinct at random in each county the day after the election.  The audit requires county auditors to supervise a hand count of the mayor’s race in that precinct and compare the results to the voting machine count from election night.


“We’re very pleased to see that this random audit has been like all of our vote audits and recounts, in that it has verified the accuracy of our voting machines,” said County Auditor Grant Veeder. “It’s one of a long list of legal and practical steps that we take to assure the public and all observers of the integrity of the election process.”


For Black Hawk County, the precinct drawn was Cedar Falls Ward 2, Precinct 3.  Both the machine and the hand counts came up with the following totals: 


396 ballots cast


Cedar Falls Mayor

Danny Laudick- 311

Walter Burtis- 71

Write-ins – 5

Overvotes – 0

Undervotes – 9

Total votes – 396

The audit was conducted by the Absentee and Special Voters Precinct Board under the supervision of Elections Manager Karen Showalter.

Questions about the post-election audit and other election matters may be directed to the Election Office at 319-833-3007 or

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This webpage was printed on March 12, 2025. For the most current election-related information, visit the Black Hawk County, Iowa, Elections website at
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